I've wanted to write this for a while, but I didn't want to say it wrong.. so I hope it is received with the love that was intended!
I often have clients apologise for something about themselves when they get on the table. Sorry my feet are dirty, my legs are hairy, I haven't waxed, my body is not quite this or that, I'm old and stiff. Sorry sorry sorry.
I need you to know that when you allow me to look after you, to care for you, to help you to relax, restore, repair and rest I am honoured. Not for one second do I care about any of those things. In fact, I don't even notice them. Honestly. Wherever you are in your journey or even your day - it's all welcome here. There's no need to hide anything or be anything other than who you are in that moment.
I am NEVER judging you, quite the opposite. I'm trying really hard to listen. Listen to the unique story that your body has to tell. I'm feeling the curves, the adhesions, the tightness, the range of movement, the response from your body to pressure and pain (as well as the stories you share). So that I can know you on a deeper level, acknowledge the parts of you that perhaps have been forgotten and help you with whatever you came for. Without judgement.
Thank you for trusting me to care for you, cause I really do.