
Did you know that I am also a university qualified counsellor..

Within counselling it is quite common for clients to present with more than one issue. For example: 1) addiction & anxiety 2) depression, insomnia and chronic pain 3) fatigue, anxiety and headaches. These issues are often intertwined meaning they are often caused by the other symptom OR each symptom exacerbates the other. You know, the vicious cycle!

In psychotherapy this is referred to as co-morbidity. Simply put, it is the presentation of co-occurring diseases or disorders. Within the massage field, I have also commonly observed the presentation of a number of issues that are very clearly intertwined.

It got me thinking.. When we seek help we often utilise treatment that aims to relieve the symptom most unbearable. In a way it makes sense because if we eliminate or reduce the chronic pain then the insomnia and depression will often times naturally also diminish.

But what if there was another way, a treatment that similar to talk therapy acknowledges and addresses all of the presenting issues/symptoms. A holistic and natural therapy. Massage is in fact one of several natural remedies that does just that. You might be surprised (and interested) to know just how beneficial massage can be for so many common ailments. For all of the examples I’ve listed above, massage is indeed indicated. Which means that it’s not just safe to receive a massage when you have anxiety, addiction issues, insomnia, depression, stress, headaches, fatigue and so many more, it’s actually therapeutic to do so! 

Of course massage can’t cure everything but if it is indicated for one or more of your symptoms, why not choose a remedy that in many cases will acknowledge and benefit several ailments at the one time. I have many clients living with grief, depression, anxiety, trauma, stress, insomnia and chronic pain. Remedial massage gives them the space and time to just be where they’re at AND be accepted and cared for. 

Human touch, I can think of worse ways to heal !
There’s no fine print or nasty side effects. Massage is natural, nourishing, healthy and healing and it can be tailored to suit anyone’s needs.